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موضوع انشاء انجليزي

موضوع انشاء انجليزي B1Adf7Cd4B39Bb1802681692E55E2729

موضوع انشاء انجليزي B1Adf7Cd4B39Bb1802681692E55E2729Nowadays we take it for
granted that women have the same rights as men before the first world war few
people believed this.
far as work was concerned there were jobs wich were regarded as women`s
jobs and other wiche were regarded as men`s jobs. Women`s jobs were
generally lower paid as men`s. Men did almost all the heavy jobs in
industry or in transport.
Women had jobs like dress-making,cleanning or worked as servants.
main role was as being to raise childeren and look for their home.
Women were not expected to take position of leaderschip. Women were not
even allowed to vote in elections.
Before the war some women had
been struggling to achieve greater equality with men. The most famous of
these had been the suffragettes who stagged a violent campaign against
the govervment from 1905 to 1914 trying to achieve the right to
vote.however, at the outbreak of war, the were still no near to success.
Many men argued that women were unsuited to such responsibility that
women could not be trusted to vote sensibly that women should not
concern themselves with such male activities and voting.
During the war many things changed

Human rights

concept of human rights has existed under several names in European
thought for many centuries at least since the time of king john of

The political and religious tradition in order parts of
the word also proclaimed what have come to be called human rights
calling on rules to rule justly and compassionately and delineating
limits on their citizens.

In the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries in Europe several philosophers proposed the concept of rights
belonging to person by natural and because ha was a human being not by
virtue of his citizenship in a particular religion or race or ethnic

In the late 1700, two revolutions occurred which drew
heavily on this concept in 1776, most of the British colonies in North
America proclaimed their independence from the British Empire in
document, which still stirs feeling and debate.

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