احلى مواضيع جديدة

بحث عن النبي محمد بالانجليزي

بحث عن النبي محمد بالانجليزي 92A1036E3A79Cd9885901E2207872719

بحث عن النبي محمد بالانجليزي 92A1036E3A79Cd9885901E2207872719

The last prophet ,Muhammad[peace be upon him ]was born in Makkah on Monday,12th Rabi al
Awwal .He was born an orphan . He was brought up by his grandfather .
His uncle ,Abu Talib , took care of him when he was eight years old
. When he was ten or twelve years old , he used to look after
the sheep around Makkah .
Muhammad was loving , kind , generous ,helpful and honest man . He was an
example of prefect character .He lived a very simple life . He was fair in
his dealings with all people whether they are friends or enemies .He was known as
Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin .

He was injured by Quraish but he completed his duty . So, we must follow
him and interrupt all people who try to deform something about his life .And what
happen in Denmark nowadays is an example of this deed . we should face every
person try to assault him , this is one of our duties towards him
The last prophet ,Muhammad[peace be upon him ]
النبي الاخير، محمد (عليه السلام)

was born in Makkah on Monday,12th Rabi al Awwal .
ولد في مكه ، يوم الاثنين الثاني عشر من ربيع الاول
He was born an orphan .
هو ولد يتيما
He was brought up by his grandfather .
هو ربى من قبل جده
His uncle ,Abu Talib , took care of him when he was eight years old

عمه ، ابو طالب اعتنى به عندما كان عمره 8 سنوات
When he was ten or twelve years old , he used to look after the
sheep around Makkah .
عندما كان عمره 10 او 11 سنه ،هو كان يرعى الخراف حول مكه
Muhammad was loving , kind , generous ,helpful and honest man

محمد كان محبوب ، رجل صادق ومساعد وكريم ورحيم
He was an example of prefect character
كان مثال للشخصية الحكيمه

He lived a very simple life .

عاش حياة بسيطة جدا
He was fair in his dealings with all people whether they are friends or enemies

هو كان عادل في تعامله مع الناس سواء كانوا اصدقاء او اعداء
He was known as Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin .

هو كان معروف بالصادق الامين
He was injured by Quraish but he completed his duty
هو اوذي من قبل قريش لكنه اكمل واجبه

So, we must follow him and interrupt all people who try to deform something about
his life .

لذا، نحن يجب ان نتبعه ونقاطع كل الناس اللذين يحاولون تشويه اي شيء حول حياته

And what happen in Denmark nowadays is an example of this deed .
we should face every person try to assault him , this is one of our
duties towards him

والذي يحدث في الدنمارك في الوقت الحاضر مثال هذا العمل . نحن يجب ان نواجه
كل محاولة شخص لمهاجمته ، هذه احد واجباتنا نحوه

  • اغاني عن النبي ب الانجليزي
  • بحث عن قصة حياة الرسول محمد بالانكليزي
  • مقالة انقليزية عن النبي محمد
  • بحث عن النبي محمد بالانجليزي
  • بحث عن النبي محمد بالنقليزي؀
  • بحث عن النبي محمد مترجم بالانجليزي
  • بحث عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بالانجليزي
  • حياة الرسول بالانكليزي
  • عبارات عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بالنجليزي
  • كلمات وعبارت عن الحياه النبي محمد بالانجليزي
نهله عبد العزيز
استصغار النفس